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Health and Social Welfare

Annerose Dietz
Mathias Schweitzer


For young adults with initial diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

"Every person should have the chance to live out their potentials with dignity and happiness."

Eva-Maria Mohn, Founder

Empowerment for young adults with multiple sclerosis

The Andreas-Mohn-Stiftung offers the interactive and digital platform "SCHUBKRAFT" for young adults in the region of Ostwestfalen Lippe.

We want to offer young people a forum for SCHUBKRAFT, in which they can develop their own way of dealing with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in a self-determined and resource-oriented way.

Schubkraft through power

Empowerment aims to strengthen self-determination, resources of individuals coping with the new challenges of a multiple sclerosis diagnosis.

Schubkraft through community

An own network with peers to exchange important information with power, self-confidence and humor and to be strong in community.

Schubkraft through knowledge

Information and empowerment to make your own decisions in dealing with medical options and an individual lifestyle. Knowledge is a key for self-determined and individual decisions in dealing with multiple sclerosis.


Schubkraft through community
The Schubkraftpower empowerment group will meet

for the first time on April 11, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

Our appointments


1 x monthly always on the 2nd Monday of the month at 18:30 p.m.


Digitally via webPRAX f2f - we will send you the dial-in details.


Registration at

We look forward to you! Your team Schubkraft

Workshop Schubkraft durch antientzündliche Ernährung:

Eine antientzündliche Ernährung kann gerade bei MS einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Verbesserung des Wohlbefindens und der Lebensqualität leisten.

Im Rahmen eines ca. 30 - 60-minütigen Vortrag wird uns Frau Melanie Dick Einblicke und Tipps zur Umsetzung einer antientzündlichen Ernährung im Alltag geben.

Inhalt des Vortrags:

Grundlagen der antientzündlichen Ernährung:

Wie beeinflusst die Ernährung entzündliche Prozesse im Körper?

Wichtige Lebensmittel:

Welche Nahrungsmittel unterstützen einen entzündungshemmenden Lebensstil?

Praktische Umsetzung:

Tipps für die alltägliche Ernährung und die Auswahl der richtigen Lebensmittel.


Wie kleine Änderungen eine große Wirkung erzielen können.

Unsere Workshopleiterin Melanie Dick ist zertifizierte Gesundheits- und Ernährungsberaterin in Bielefeld. Mit ihrem ganzheitlichen Ansatz betrachtet sie den Menschen als Ganzes und berücksichtigt nicht nur die Ernährung, sondern auch weitere Faktoren wie körperlichen Bedürfnisse, persönliche Lebenssituation und Vorlieben.

Weitere Infos über Frau Melanie Dick findet ihr hier.



Our appointments


Samstag, 14.06.2025 von 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr


Wird nach Anmeldung bekannt gegeben, in Bielefeld


 Anmeldung per Email: 


Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer:innen ist auf 15 Personen begrenzt.

We look forward to you! Your team Schubkraft

Workshop Schubkraft durch Yoga


In diesem Workshop widmen wir uns der Frage, wie Yoga als unterstützende Methode im Umgang mit Multiple Sklerose genutzt werden kann. Yoga ist eine alte indische philosophische Lehre, die eine Reihe körperlicher und geistiger Übungen umfasst. Diese Übungen, darunter Dehnungs-, Bewegungs-, Koordinations-, Gleichgewichts-, Atem- und Entspannungsübungen, bieten nicht nur eine Möglichkeit, die körperliche Gesundheit zu fördern, sondern unterstützen auch die geistige Klarheit und das innere Gleichgewicht.

Für Menschen mit Multiple Sklerose kann Yoga eine wertvolle Hilfe sein, um die Herausforderungen des Alltags besser zu bewältigen. Es wird gezeigt, wie gezielte Übungen Spastik, Ataxie und Fatigue lindern können, die häufigen Symptome der Erkrankung. Die sanften Bewegungen und die Achtsamkeit, die Yoga fördert, bieten eine Möglichkeit, den Körper zu stärken und gleichzeitig den Geist zu beruhigen.

Egal, ob du bereits Yoga praktizierst oder neu in der Materie bist – dieser Workshop ist für alle Levels geeignet. Wir schaffen einen sicheren Raum, in dem jeder nach seinen individuellen Möglichkeiten üben kann.

Unsere Kursleiterin Janine Löwe führt uns erneut sanft durch den Workshop. Wenn ihr mehr über Frau Janine Löwe erfahren möchtet findet ihr sie hier.

Melde dich jetzt an und probiere aus, wie Yoga bei Multipler Sklerose Schubkraft geben kann.

Our appointments


Samstag, 25.10.2025 von 11:00 - 13:00 Uhr


Wird nach Anmeldung bekannt gegeben, in Bielefeld


Anmeldung per Email: 


Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer:innen ist auf 15 Personen begrenzt.

We look forward to you! Your team Schubkraft

 Workshop „Schubkraft durch Selbsthypnose für Multiple Sklerose“

Schubkraft lädt ein zu einem Workshop  „Selbsthypnose für Multiple Sklerose“ mit Praxis- und Theorieteil.

Obwohl Selbsthypnose keine Heilung für Multiple Sklerose darstellt, kann sie ein wertvolles, ergänzendes Instrument in der symptomatischen Behandlung und im Management von Multiple Sklerose sein.

Sie wirkt durch Entspannung und positive Einflussnahme auf den Körper und das Nervensystem und kann insbesondere bei der Bewältigung von Schmerzen, Stress, Schlafstörungen und Muskelproblemen hilfreich sein.

Die genaue Wirkung von Hypnose auf das Immunsystem ist noch nicht vollständig verstanden, dennoch gibt es Hinweise darauf, dass Selbsthypnose das Immunsystem modulieren kann. Hypnose könnte durch Stressreduktion und das Fördern von Entspannungsreaktionen eine indirekte positive Wirkung auf entzündliche Prozesse haben.

In der Theorie könnte dies helfen, das Fortschreiten der Multiple Sklerose zu verlangsamen, da entzündliche Prozesse im Zusammenhang mit Multiple Sklerose eine zentrale Rolle spielen. In Kombination mit anderen medizinischen und therapeutischen Maßnahmen kann Selbsthypnose dazu beitragen, das allgemeine Wohlbefinden von Multiple Sklerose-Patienten zu verbessern.

Selbsthypnose sollte als Teil eines ganzheitlichen Behandlungsplans unter der Aufsicht von Fachleuten erlernt werden.

Frau Dipl. Psych. Annerose Dietz wird unsere Kursleiterin sein.  

Our appointments


Samstag, 29.11.2025 von 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr


Wird noch bekannt gegeben, in Bielefeld


Anmeldung per Email: 


Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer:innen ist auf 15 Personen begrenzt.

Die Kursgebühren werden von der Andreas-Mohn-Stiftung übernommen.

We look forward to you! Your team Schubkraft

Podcast von Mentor Simon Klaholz

Hörenswert: Unser Mentor Simon Klaholz zu Gast im Podcast „1000gesichterplus2“ der Musikerin Edda Schnittgard und des Ingenieures Dirk Riepe

Hier geht es zum Podcast

Our appointments


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Einfach zuhören und genießen

We look forward to you! Your team Schubkraft

Schubkraft is




For young adults diagnosed with multiple sclerosis

Close to people




The modular system

Thrust works in a modular system. Here you can view our offers sorted by topics. You decide for yourself which building blocks can give you "Schubkraft".

Schubkraft through community!

You create a network of peers with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Here you can use your power, your self-confidence and your wit in community with people who have similarities with you and yet are very different, exchange experiences, create projects, try to take life actively and consciously into your hands. You can simply be there, contribute something or even share your knowledge, your experiences, your resources and your strengths as a mentor. Our offer for you is digital and real, you have the choice between a digital meeting or you can decide for a physical-real meeting.


Our dates

When? 1 x monthly always on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7 p.m.

Where? Digital via webPRAX f2f- we will send you the dial-in data

How? Registration at

Schubkraft through power!

Empowerment aims to strengthen your self-determination, your resources and your individual way of dealing with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Empowerment is an attitude! It is about facing up to multiple sclerosis, using resources from yourself and others, and especially about continuing to pursue your own goals and ideas about life. Your autonomy remains secured. We offer you together with other participants in small workshops to get to know this attitude and to adopt it practically in your everyday life with small exercises.

Schubkraft through knowledge!

EmpowerMED offers you knowledge through medical and psychological information to make your own decisions for your individual life. Knowledge is a key for self-determined and individual decisions in dealing with multiple sclerosis. You can expand your competence in dealing with doctors, psychologists and medical professionals and practice dealing with yourself at eye level. We bring you into contact not only with other young adults, but also with professionals from the medical field who enjoy sharing their knowledge with you and encouraging you to deal with multiple sclerosis in a self-determined way.

Schubkraft through networking!

Developing your own network on your topics is the goal of events under the heading "Network". Here you can learn together with others why an individual network can strengthen you and let you act more freely, despite multiple sclerosis. Because the more supporters you have, the stronger you are in your autonomy. And: You can also become part of a network of others and thus pass on your skills in dealing with multiple sclerosis or act as a supporter. This in turn gives us all a sense of solidarity, community, efficacy and health.

Schubkraft through resources!

To know your strengths and possibilities well, to think about where you can use them and how you can develop them, are the goal of resource management and are the benefits of this block. Here you can deal with your resources and strengths together with your peers under professional guidance in workshops. In difficult situations or under stress we often forget that we have much more potential than temporary weaknesses and deficits make us believe. Here you can broaden your focus again and find out how resource management helps you to re-focus your energy despite MS.

Schubkraft through resilience!

Resilience stands for resistance, resilience and stability. Resilience enables you to carry out adaptation processes so that you can master mental, social or even societal crises. It may be that the initial diagnosis of multiple sclerosis hits you with a blow, and you feel like

"a hamster in a wheel". Driven to get everything possible done while completing all your important school, training, work or study tasks. How about if you can see yourself as "a rock in the storm" instead? Demands are raging around you, but you can keep your feet firmly on the ground with an overview of the chaos. Our workshops on resilience offer you techniques and knowledge to develop more resilience and to use your newfound strengths.

Schubkraft through mindfulness!

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf them" - this quote by Jon Kabat-Zinn describes very well why mindfulness could be a technique for you to better cope with the demands of multiple sclerosis. The most important goal of mindfulness training is to get in touch with yourself. To step out of the many stimuli and demands of life for a few minutes and to be able to perceive again where you yourself are at the moment. Mindfulness supports you to surf calmly on the "wave" of multiple sclerosis thanks to mental and physical concentration. Of course, you will continue to be "washed" by the wave and from time to time you will lose your balance. But with practice you will be able to hold yourself better on the board and thus float on top of the wave, more and more. And when you can surf on it, dealing with the "ocean of multiple sclerosis" is much more pleasant ... Our workshops on the topic of "Mindfulness" offer you, together with others, the opportunity to practically learn the first basics of mindfulness practice.

Schubkraft through mental training!

Mental training has long been used in sports and in the development of potential. It is about how and with which mental beliefs and convictions we look at the world and ourselves. How can you have a positive impact on dealing with multiple sclerosis by changing these basic mental beliefs? Mental training originally referred to a training method for optimizing athletic movements in sports psychology. Today, mental training is used in almost all areas of life, where it is about potential development and dealing with challenges. With our workshops for you we focus on information about "Mindsets" according to Prof. Carol Dweck. You can gain practical experience, e.g. how to promote a "Growth Mindset" and try out other mental techniques.

Schubkraft through goals and time management!

We want to show you agile and flexible planning methods in our workshops on goals and time management and give you the space to test and discuss them with others. Under plans we often imagine rigid schedules that we absolutely have to keep! This leads to uncomfortable feelings, because we can only plan at a certain point in time and then life comes along! This is exactly what our workshops are about, good planning incorporates life, is flexible and adaptable and keeps you "on track". When you leave the harbor and sail off, you have a plan where to go! And it's clear: You will certainly deviate from the course, e.g. by a storm. That is not in your hands. But: You can navigate back towards your destination after the storm, look for a new route and see if your destination is still reachable, or if you can steer close to it. This way you arrive at the port flexible and relaxed. Especially with chronic illness and your important challenges and goals you want to achieve, flexible goal and time management is a great technique. Be curious and try it out in one of our workshops. True to the motto: I DID IT MY WAY.

Schubkraft through special information!

Special information for young adults with multiple sclerosis:

Adapted to your current life situation, we would like to provide you and other peers with special information and questions on the topic of multiple sclerosis in young adulthood. We bring you into exchange with experts from the fields of medicine, psychology, education, school, work and study. Here you can ask questions that move you and discuss the different areas of life with peers and professionals. What you make of it is then your individual decision.

Schubkraft Though knowledge of Law and participation!

Law and participation:

Participation benefits are a summary term for certain social benefits to promote self-determination and full, effective and equal participation in life in society to avoid or counteract disadvantages (§ 1 SGB IX). This is especially important for you in relation to your school education, training, studies and work. What rights do I have with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis? What is compensation for disadvantages and why does it make sense to apply for it? How do I do this? Am I now "disabled" if I apply for a "disability certificate"? What are my advantages, but where are also disadvantages in participation laws? With the help of experts from the fields of law, education and training/occupation, we would like to give you more information and answer your questions so that you can make your own decisions.

Schubkraft through health management!

Nutrition and exercise play an important role in all chronic and neurological diseases. How can you find fun and enjoyment in what kinds of exercise? What can you do, which types of sports are suitable, or do you have to stop doing sports now? We offer you the possibility to ask many questions, to get information and also to get to know practically, e.g. the "mindful walking" as a gentle form of movement. We will also offer you workshops on the topic of nutrition, where you can also test theory and practice in interaction with experts.

Schubkraft through stress resilience!

Stress, if it occurs in too great a degree and we have few skills to deal with it, can certainly increase symptoms of chronic diseases. How can you learn to deal with stress and distribute stress or preventively reduce stress? Where do you need "stress" and how can you find a balance? What techniques are there and what would you like to try? What do you already know and can do, what has worked well so far and how can you bring more of it into your everyday life? The workshops of Schubkraft are a space to focus on these questions, to develop individual strategies and to try them out. In a community with experts on stress management and with peers.

Schubkraft through peer mentoring!

Self-efficacy comes from sharing my knowledge, skills, and experiences with someone else. My path is an example of my path - and your path will be very different. Mentoring means you are willing to share without claiming to be able to tell someone else how to do it and what is right. People learn from real, close and similar people and you as a mentor can be a counterpart and encourage them to find their own way. Peer mentoring is wonderful for both sides: We also learn from the person who starts the path with us by their side. If you are now curious, then you are welcome to sign up for our peer mentoring and experience the drive that can be developed.

Schubkraft for families!

This is all about YOUR family. Families can be both an important resource and a challenge. How are you dealing with it? What has helped others in similar situations to move forward and find solutions? In our offers around the family we would like to show you a variety of information offers on different family topics. This can be the topic "Dealing with my parents - how do I find out what I can and want?", but also a lecture on starting a family with multiple sclerosis.

The team

Your Team Schubkraft introduces itself

We are Eva-Maria and Andreas Mohn and live with the disease MS, my husband as a sufferer and I as his partner.

Initiator and idea giver of the empowerment project "Schubkraft" is my husband.

With the project, he wants to help people who are confronted with the diagnosis of MS for the first time to help themselves to discover their own strength to live their lives actively and fulfilled even with the disease.


Annerose Dietz

Dipl. Psychologist and KJPsychotherapist


Rolle within in the project:

To give the project impetus and strength.

What drives me?

People find their own and suitable ways. This succeeds in a fine interplay of individual, community, experience and knowledge.

To create a framework for self-determined exchange and growth, that is my passion.

Simon Klaholz

Qualitätsmanager und Werkzeugkonstrukteur

Funktion im Projekt: Mitglied der Schubkraft Gruppe und Peer Mentor

Ich bin stets auf der Suche nach innovativen Technologien und Methoden, die den Alltag erleichtern. Dabei finde ich es besonders spannend, neue Menschen kennenzulernen und ihre Bewältigungsstrategie im Leben zu erfahren. Außerdem bereitet es mir Freude, mein Wissen zu teilen, anderen zu helfen und sie zu neuen Ideen zu inspirieren.


Diana Karrenführ

Funktion im Projekt: Mitglied der Schubkraft Gruppe und Peer Mentorin


Meine positive Energie möchte ich gerne mit anderen teilen. Einfache Dinge sind in meinem Leben wichtig, ein inspirierendes Gespräch oder eine entspannt getrunkene Tasse Kaffee im ersten Sonnenlicht. Zuhören gehört zu meinen Fähigkeiten, die ich gerne als Peer Mentorin zur Verfügung stelle.

Mathias Schweitzer

Rainbow Bending Manager

Rolle within in the project:

Co-thinker, co-knowledgeable, co-responsible, co-helper


What drives me?

I have had MS since 1988, have experienced it and would like to share my experiences with others.

Nebile Alter-Morali

Attorney at Law

Board member

Rolle within in the project:  As a board member of the Andreas Mohn Foundation, I support the vision and goals of the project and am happy to be actively involved.


What drives me?

The initial diagnosis with MS causes many people anxiety and uncertainty.

With the project, we help alleviate these fears and eliminate uncertainties with individual solutions.

Those affected can thus deal more clearly with their thoughts and feelings that arise with the diagnosis. That spurs me on.

Diana Krüger

In-house lawyer

Board member

Rolle withi in the project: Team member with helping hands and ideas

What drives me?

Getting to know oneself and one's own resources - sharing this path and this knowledge is what makes the Schubkraft project so valuable to me, in addition to the many offers of information.

Jasmin Stens

Business Assistant Advertising/Personal Assistant

Rolle within in the project: Co-design and maintenance of the website


What drives me?

I have been working for the initiator of this project as a personal assistant for 11 years and thus experience life with MS at first hand. So I have experienced that the life of people with MS is partly very difficult and at the same time full of life power. I find both very important.

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33602 Bielefeld

Tel +49 (0)521 / 967 408 - 0


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33602 Bielefeld
